Reasons why world football is the best sport in the world

Football is a universal sport which goes beyond the division of age, gender and language. There are many reasons why football is one of the best sport in the world which allows one to get access to every individual. Here are some of the reasons football is one of the best sport in the world.
It’s a religion
Football is one sport which is played consistently all around the world. There are many Fifa surveys which were 265 million players which involve soccer around the world. It is roughly about 4% of the world population which is practised in almost all the countries. This means that one on almost 25 people is directly involved with football and can keep on increasing every single year growing by 2% and 3%.
Football is all your need
When it comes to the game itself, all you need is a football to start. The rules are also pretty simple if you are playing outside the professional football where all you have to do is to the goal without using your hands.
There no time or seasons
There no time or seasons in football which is bad all that is required is small and can get you started in the game anywhere at any time. All you need to do is to make sure that you are on time to watch the game.
It is a team sport
The Dutch introduced the idea of a football, and every single club and country has adopted this technique to help and play. Each one has a specific duty which can be played in each and every position which can allow you to move forward, help the play, free-kick and even score.
Size does not matter
This is one of the most common misconceptions which is built to play football. People strongly believe that it was not true. Size matters lesser, which has the agility and speed to help move the game to be complete with the base on touch, control and sheer technique.
The world comes together
Having a football world cup match can allow you to enjoy your day well. Missing a match means you will be missing on quite a lot. The FIFA World Cup is the world’s most widely viewed sports event which is watched by over 715 million people. The game is broadcasted in over 2014 countries and many different channels.
The margin of error
Even with the game is one of the most intricate game as a wrong move will lead you to lose. An inch too small or less can lead to you not making it to the net. One step too far is also something that people cannot catch.