The 10 best cheerleading squads in the NFL

Not every team has them, which is one of the biggest head-scratchers in football. Why wouldn’t a franchise want to have cheerleaders on the sidelines during games? It’s part of a the atmosphere that has helped make football America’s newest pastime, re-creating on high school, college and NFL fields across the country every weekend in the fall.
Yet, some teams stubbornly miss the boat. They refuse to get with the program and add a little eye candy to the in-game festivities.
Thankfully, plenty of NFL teams are on board; they understand that cheerleaders are part of the pageantry that makes football so grand. And they’ve raised the art form to a new level.
The squads roaming the sidelines at NFL games aren’t anything like the women who were there in the 1970s. It’s a whole new age, where an MTV generation has infused cheerleading with highly choreographed dance routines.
And it’s spectacular.
Some do it better than others, however, as some teams have fully embraced the modern-age of cheerleading. Here then are the 10 best squads in the NFL:
If middle America, midwestern and wholesome are your thing, then the women who cheer on Andrew Luck and Company every week are right up your alley. They help make Lucas Oil Stadium rock on a weekly basis, while they can also spice up any other location, as this video from their calendar shoot points out.